10 proven ways to reduce or get rid of bloating

Nothing is more embarrassing and excruciating than when you’re in the middle of a post-lunch business meeting and feel the bubbling and curdling feeling in your lower abdomen threatening to release itself in a loud announcement to the rest of your colleagues and boss. Or worse, a potential new client or romantic partner.
According to a 2012 article published in the journal ISRN Gastroenterol by Stephen Sulivan, 10 to 25 percent of poeple who are healthy experience bloating. Most people assume it’s just a simple sign of indigestion. But in actuality, it can be a sign of potentially deeper issues lying within the body such as irritable bowel syndrome or constipation. This can happen when the consumed food lingers in the bowels for longer than necessary and starts to ferment, which is what creates the bloating afterward.
Having this kind of experience regularly can lead to things such as constipation, which can lead to skin diseases such as acne and eczema if the body is not able to release waste products in a timely manner. It is for these reasons that is very important to understand how to reduce bloating not only for your own comfort and the comfort of others but also for your overall long-term well-being.
This list of easy, accessible tips can help you deal with the next episode of bloating in a healthy and effective manner – or help prevent it from happening in the first place.
1. Ginger root
In Chinese medicine, ginger is commonly known as a herb that harmonizes the digestive system. It helps with nausea as well as indigestion, which is directly helpful for assisting with the prevention of bloating. All you have to do is cut half-inch slices of it, steep it in hot water for at least five minutes, strain and drink one or two cups per day until symptoms clear up.
2. Peppermint leaf
Peppermint is another common and easily accessible herb that can help reduce bloating. This herb is particularly useful after the fact. If you've already experienced bloating, having a cup of peppermint tea or two with or after a meal will help facilitate the release process. Not only does the cooling sensation calm the nerves and relax your muscles, but that action also helps to release any flatulence trapped in your colon.
3. Probiotics
These good bacteria are an effective prevention tool for bloating. They work to improve the digestion of food, which helps it process through the body much more easily. Just taking sauerkraut or kimchi before or with a meal is all you need to do to enjoy the benefits of probiotics.
4. Strategic food combining
In hee book “The Beauty Detox Solution,” celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder writes at length about how strategic food combinations can help to digest food better to avoid developing flatulence. The basic rule is to eat fruit alone first, followed by the most easily broken down food to food that is the hardest to break down. That means eating simple carbohydrates or vegetables, then complex carbs or grains and root vegetables, proteins and finally, fats. She also recommends avoiding combining complex carbohydrates such as grains with proteins such as beans and meat because they will take a long time to break down in your body.
5. Eat more veggies/fiber
Increasing fiber intake has been proven to help avoid bloating, so ingest regular amounts of fruits and vegetables during the day and with meals.
6. Avoid soda and other carbonated beverages
These fizzy drinks are gaseous by nature and can contribute to distention if you’re already experiencing indigestion.
7. Avoid excess oily/fried foods
Because fats are the most dense molecule for the body to break down, having an excess of this type of food will take longer to digest, leading to a backed-up colon, constipation and feelings of flatulence.
8. Avoid too many beans and legumes
It is no secret that beans can lead to post-meal gas. That is because they are composed of both proteins and complex carbohydrates, which creates competition in the body for what enzymes to release to break down which type of nutrient, notes celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder. That can delay digestion.
9. Regular exercise/walking
If after a meal, you are already starting to feel bloating coming on, it can be very helpful to walk and get the muscles moving to keep things flowing and keep the digestive process active.
10. Cook or order freshly made meals instead of eating out
Sometimes food allergies can create bloating because your body has trouble breaking those foods down, leading to the allergic reaction. To nip things in the bud, cook your own meals so you know exactly what is in them and can avoid anything you are allergic to.
RemedyDaily.com does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.