Here are 10+ things you should know about preventing cervical cancer

Besides breast cancer, cervical cancer is probably the next most feared ailment for women. Being able to have children is part of who women are, and anything that threatens that ability and their life can be downright scary.
The human papillomavirus is the cause of cervical cancer, so the key to preventing the cancer is knowing how to prevent or fight the virus. Here are 10 ways you can prevent cervical cancer.
1. Regular screening. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to get your Pap smear done regularly. Prevent Cancer Foundation says that catching the cancer early means early treatment and, generally, a full recovery.
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2. Get tested. WebMD says that besides the regular Pap smear, you can get an HPV test done. This would be recommended if you think you have been exposed to the virus.
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3. Follow up. This one is very important. Rush University Medical Center reminds women to always follow up on irregular Pap results. Don't just write them off.
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4. Get Vaccinated. The Prevent Cancer Foundation says that prevention is always the best route. Get vaccinated for HPV. The American Cancer Society says you can start the vaccine as early as 9.
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5. Don't smoke. Smoking affects more than just the lungs. The Center for Disease Control tells people that a good way to prevent cervical cancer is to not smoke. If you already smoke, quit.
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6. Use condoms. According to the American Cancer Society, coming into contact with the human papillomavirus is what causes cervical cancer. Wearing a condom during intercourse will help protect against the virus. Of course, the virus may be in places that the condom doesn't cover, so it's not a guarantee.
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7. Know your partners. WebMD shares that knowing your partner's history will help. If your partner has had many partners, your risk of contracting the virus just increased. If you're the only one, then your chances of getting it are much lower.
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8. Limit your partners. The American Cancer Society says that limiting the number of partners you have greatly improves the chances that you never contract cervical cancer. The ideal is that you and your partner have only ever been with each other.
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9. Good nutrition. Rush University Medical Center says to remember that poor nutrition compromises the body's ability to fight disease, so keeping your body healthy by eating right will be one more feather in your cap in your fight against contracting cancer.
10. Birth control. WebMD says to exercise caution against taking birth control pills for an extended period of time. Talk to your doctor about different methods other than the pill.
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Through regular screening and proper vaccination, you may keep from developing cervical cancer.
Resources does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.