6+ dietary changes you should be making to help with asthma

For those who suffer from asthma, the tightening of the lungs and the struggling to take in a single breath when under an attack can make life miserable. Since many forms of asthma are related to allergies, knowing what foods to avoid and what to take in to help your body may just give you the upper hand.
For asthma that isn't caused be an allergy, you may still be able to control it by giving your body the right tools with which to work. Here are 6+ changes to your diet that you may want to make to help control your asthma.
1. Vitamin D. According to the Mayo Clinic, not having enough vitamin D may make your asthma worse and the attacks more severe. Sources of this vitamin are eggs, milk, fish and sunlight.
2. Vitamin C. Vitamin C is known for helping the immune system and possibly reducing lung swelling. Health recommends eating cantaloupe as an excellent source of vitamin C. Citrus fruits are also good.
3. Magnesium. People with low levels of magnesium in their system appear to have a low lung-flow volume. Healthline states that spinach, pumpkin seeds, chard, dark chocolate and salmon are food sources for magnesium.
4. Caffeine. Caffeine tends to get a bad rap, but Health shares that caffeine and caffeinated coffee appear to help open airway constrictions for a few hours. This won't be a permanent solution but makes a viable quick fix in an emergency.
5. Vitamin A. Also helpful in reducing lung inflammation, vitamin A should be consumed through your diet, according to the Mayo Clinic. Carrots and sweet potatoes are sources of vitamin A.
6. Avocado. Avocado is a healthy fruit, and Health says that it contains glutathione, an important antioxidant that helps fight free radicals.
7. Bananas. Healthline states that studies show that bananas help reduce wheezing in asthma sufferers. Bananas are high in potassium and antioxidants.
8. Apples. The old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," may have some truth to it, according to Health. Those who eat two to five apples a week have a lower risk of developing asthma.
9. Sulfites. Just adding in healthy foods won't do everything. According to the Mayo Clinic, avoiding foods with sulfites, a preservative, can help reduce asthmatic episodes. Wine, dried fruit, pickles and shrimp all tend to contain this pesky preservative. To ensure avoidance, read your labels.
Your diet may not completely eliminate asthma and asthma attacks, but it should give you a noticeable advantage. Eating healthy is good for so many parts of your body.
RemedyDaily.com does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.