How to deal with a pimple in your ear (6+ home remedies)

Pimples on your face are bad enough, but a pimple in your ear? Not only does it look bad, it hurts worse than a normal pimple. Since you don't have a lot of soft tissue inside your ear, when a pimple gets inflamed, the skin stretches even tighter than normal.
To treat the pimple and the discomfort so that you get rid of the infection without spreading it, try one of these 6+ remedies. If they work, you just took care of a painful situation with a "simple" solution.
1. Warm compress. To help bring the infection to the surface and soften the pimple, Medical News Today recommends using a warm compress or heating pad on the pimple.
2. Rubbing alcohol. To keep any other pimples from forming, Stylecraze recommends using rubbing alcohol. Use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to soak the pimple and the surrounding area several times a day. Be careful not to agitate the area by putting too much pressure on the pimple.
3. Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide helps to kill bacteria, so Medical News Today says to treat the pimple with it. You can use it much the same way you do the rubbing alcohol, dipping a cotton swab in the peroxide and swabbing the pimple.
4. Aspirin paste. Aspirin is a natural source of salicylic acid. Women's Health says to crush an aspirin and add enough water to make a paste. You can put it on the pimple and let it sit for a few minutes before cleaning it off.
5. Antibacterial ointment. Because pimples are caused by clogged pores that trap bacteria and dead skin cells, Stylecraze recommends using an antibacterial ointment to help fight the infection. Something like Neosporin is a great possibility.
6. Tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is an astringent that helps close the pores, keeping pimples from forming. Medical News Today says you can use tea tree oil to help fight acne. It's supposed to be as effective as salicylic acid. Be sure to never use the oil straight, but dilute it with water. Stylecraze combines 1 teaspoon tea tree oil with 9 teaspoons water. Dip your cotton swab in the diluted oil and rub it on the pimple.
7. Witch hazel. Doctors Health Press says that witch hazel is another astringent you can use.
The next time you have a pimple form in your ear, grab your rubbing alcohol or witch hazel and start treating the site!
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