8 natural and effective home remedies for dry mouth

Many things can cause a dry mouth: dehydration, medication, stress, anxiety or breathing through your mouth. Along with a dry mouth can come bad breath. Rather than just putting up with the problem, solve it.
Some really simple solutions are available to you. Below are 8 things you can do to solve your dry mouth. Be sure to check with your doctor first to find the cause of your dry mouth.
1. Chew gum. The Mayo Clinic says that one of the ways to you can relieve your dry mouth is to chew on sugar-free gum.
2. Go decaf. If you struggle with a dry mouth, Colgate recommends going decaf. in your drinks as caffeine is a diuretic and will draw more fluid out of your body, including your mouth.
3. Drink fluids. WebMD reminds you to drink plenty of fluid during the day, especially water. Having a bottle hand to sip on and re-wet your whistle is a great idea.
4. Enjoy tart things. WebMD also says that sour fruits, dill pickles and tart fruit juices tend to stimulate your saliva glands. True Remedies makes its own lemon water by mixing 120 grams of sugar with 360 ml of water. Bring the water to a boil so the sugar dissolves. Once the water cools, add 60 ml of lemon juice. Feel free to sip on this throughout your day.
5. Suck on candy. The Mayo Clinic also recommends sucking on hard candy. Sugar-free is best, but any kind will do. You can also combine this with the tart idea and suck on things like lemon drops.
6. Eat carrots. Medical News Today says to eat carrot sticks and celery to stimulate the production of saliva.
7. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is a drying agent, so Colgate says to avoid using mouthwash that contains alcohol. Live Simply makes mouthwash from 1/2 cup aloe vera juice, 1/2 cup water, 1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 2 drops peppermint essential oil and 1 drop tea tree oil. Medical News Today
also recommends avoiding drinking alcohol as much as possible.
8. Avoid mouth breathing. The Mayo Clinic shares that breathing through your mouth will speed your mouth on to drying out faster. Breathe through your nose whenever possible.
Thankfully, you don't have to remain parched. Your mouth and those around you will thank you for remedying the situation.
RemedyDaily.com does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.