Pendulums swing in both directions. The problem with pendulums is that they only stay in the balanced spot, the middle, for a short period of time. Estrogen levels are like a pendulum that is constantly swinging during menstruation and menopause. For many years, when a woman approached menopause, she was automatically prescribed estrogen to help cope with the symptoms.
In 2002, a study on hormone replacement therapy created a panic that deterred women from taking estrogen and causing them to have to unnecessarily suffer with menopausal discomforts. The truth lies somewhere between these two extremes. If you or someone you love is over 35, check out the 10 symptoms of estrogen dominance below, and if you feel you are suffering from them, then see a physician for a correct diagnosis.
1. Growing, swollen breasts.
Dr. Lam states that one of the common symptoms of estrogen dominance is having swollen breasts that are once again growing. Remember how it was to be a teenager? Well, if that's how you're feeling, you may need to make an appointment with your doctor.
2. Tender breasts.
Another symptom, according to Dr. Lam, may be that when you get hugged, your breasts hurt. This could be because they are once again growing or because of fibrocystic tissue.
3. Thyroid dysfunction.
Dr. Northrup points out that estrogen dominance can also cause thyroid dysfunction which can affect many other areas of the body.
4. Mood swings.
Another symptom listed by Dr. Northrup is mood swings, feeling like you're irritable or depressed. The PMS that took place when you were first starting up has come back to haunt you.
5. Swollen hands.
Dr. Lam states that he often has patients who say they can't wear their rings anymore because their fingers are so swollen.
6. Can't wear shoes.
Unfortunately, the swelling doesn't just stay with the hands, but often in estrogen dominance, feet also swell, and women complain they can't wear their shoes anymore, too.
7. Belly fat.
Putting on excess weight, especially around the belly, tends to be a sign of estrogen dominance according to Dr. Northrup.
8. Foggy thinking and memory loss.
According to Dr. Northrup, those who may be suffering from too much estrogen sometimes feel like they're functioning in a dense fog. The memory is there . . . somewhere. They just can't seem to find it.
9. Endometriosis.
Dr. Lam shares that endometriosis may be a sign that too much estrogen is the culprit.
10. Cramps. Generally, as you get older, and definitely after having children, cramps tend to disappear. Dr. Lam says that women with estrogen dominance will often complain that their cramps are back like when they were first starting their periods.
Please remember that these symptoms can be for things other than estrogen dominance. If you are suffering from any of these and suspect that estrogen dominance may be the cause, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it. Let the professional give you the proper diagnosis and treatment. The good news is that there are ways to treat estrogen dominance. You don't have to suffer!
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