Yoga specialist Peggy Breeze explains the best yoga poses for a restful night's sleep. What could be better? Oh, the fact that you can do these poses in bed.
Anyone who has taken a yoga class before is likely to have relished in the twisting floor position that re-aligns and resets the body before falling into the final asana known in English as "corpse pose." Breeze explains the twisting pose is great for maintaining flexibility, stretching the spine and shoulders, improving digestion and circulation, and strengthening the lower back. It also opens the hips and chest.
Start by lying on the back with legs extended. Draw the right knee in with both hands and pull it across the left side of the body. The knee should be pointing downwards toward the bed. (Don't worry if the knee doesn't touch! Whatever you do, don't force or strain anything.) Keep both shoulders down on the bed and extend the left arm outward, away from the body. Turn the head to the left and breath. Relax for a few minutes until the back releases or until you feel ready to switch sides. When you are ready to switch sides, take a deep breath in, slowly turn your head to the center, and bring both knees together. Repeat on the left side.
If you need extra support, put a pillow or rolled up blanket under the bent knee. You can also bend both knees to the left side, using the right hand to put pressure on the right knee. Always be sure to repeat on the other side.
Another fantastic bed-time pose is "Threading the Needle," which stretches everything from the shoulders to the obliques. To do this pose, start on the hand and knees. Your hands should be directly below the shoulders and knees directly below the hips. Take the left arm and weave it under the right arm so it extends away from the body. If you can, place the shoulder on the floor. Stop twisting when you feel strain. Breath for a few moments and then lift the right arm upwards to intensify the stretch. Repeat on the other side.
One of the most beneficial poses is thought to relieve anxiety, arthritis, digestive problems, headache, insomnia, migraine, urinary disorders, menstrual cramps, varicose veins, and respiratory ailments. (Wow!)
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To do this pose, fold two blankets and place them against a wall. Sit with the right side against the wall and the backside against the blankets. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, swing the legs up onto the wall. Your bottom should be on the blankets. Lightly lift the head so the base of the skull is away from the neck and the throat can open. Open the shoulder blades by extending the arms to the sides with palms facing upwards. Soften the eyes and relax for 5 to 15 minutes. When you feel ready to come out of the pose, slide the legs down the wall, bend the knees, and slowly sit up.
You are now ready for a restful and restorative night's sleep. According to the American Yoga Association, even a few minutes of practice a day can help release tension, calm the mind and flush nutrients and oxygen throughout the body through improved circulation.