Almonds — They're delicious, and anyone who says otherwise is positively nuts. But the problem with those little nuggets of crunchy heaven is that they're incredibly heavy in calories. Popular Twitter account Daily Health Tips' nutrition chart, below, shows just how many calories are in 100 grams of almonds: 29 percent of your recommended daily intake, which, all things considered, is massive when you're trying to watch your consumption.
That intimidating number doesn't have to make you swear off almonds forever, though – on the contrary. There are plenty of reasons for your favorite nutty snack to remain a staple in your home, as long as you practice moderation. Scroll past the nutrition chart below for an enlightening list of benefits almonds can have for your body.
1. Almonds improve the health of your skin and make your hair look gorgeous.
As the above chart indicates, almonds are stuffed to the brim with vitamin E, which, among other effects, is great at keeping your collagen and elastin intact, allowing your skin cells to remain "glued" together, according to Health Ambition. In addition, the antioxidants within help the vitamin E keep your skin healthy and protected against everyday wear and tear.
Your skin's not the only part of your outward appearance that'll be positively affected, either: Because of the high amount of magnesium in almonds, your hair may find itself rejuvenated in a noticeable way with a daily diet of the nuts, LiveStrong says. That 100 grams of almonds provide 67 percent of the recommended daily intake, making for a treat for your palate and your hair.
2. Almonds may help you lose weight.
A study published by the International Journal of Obesity reports that despite their high calorie content, almonds helped participants lose weight faster and more consistently than people on a complex-carbohydrate diet, because of the difference in fat contents.
3. Almonds reduce the risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases.
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in almonds, help keep your heart healthy by regulating heart rhythms somewhat, according to Mayo Clinic. World's Healthiest Foods adds that antioxidants help stabilize heart activity further and can in turn prevent cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases.
4. Almonds lower bad cholesterol.
Unsaturated fatty acids keep blood vessels in good shape, Mayo Clinic says, which in turn helps with cholesterol. World's Healthiest Foods suggests replacing fat-laden foods like cheese and meats with nuts, as studies have shown that such a switch can considerably lower LDL, the harmful variant of cholesterol.
5. Almonds may help prevent diabetes.
World's Healthiest Foods suggests that the antioxidants in almonds can help lower blood sugar and insulin. Not only that, but adding almonds to a recipe can actually help lower the meal's glycemic index, making for a less harmful result to blood levels and lessening risks for individuals with diabetes.
6. Almonds improve your energy production.
Almonds are rich in manganese, copper, magnesium and B vitamins, which Health Ambition says are great at making you feel more energetic. Most of this is thanks to riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, which, through the production of flavoproteins, allows the body to produce energy from simple oxygen intake, according to World's Healthiest Foods.
7. Almonds may help you with constipation issues.
This one is simple enough: Almonds are rich in fiber, according to Rethinking Cancer, and most people know the effects of fiber on the digestive system. The more you eat, the less time you'll spend in the bathroom.
8. Almonds improve the functioning of the brain.
Rethinking Cancer also says that almonds are great for your brain, as they contain phenylalanine, a chemical that boosts cognitive function. This makes them a healthy food for both developing children and older individuals at risk of getting Alzheimer's disease.
9. Almonds may prevent birth defects.
Organic Facts says folic acid, which is found in almonds, is excellent for healthy pregnancies as it promotes cell growth and tissue formation in the womb, especially with regards to the neural tube, which can lead to significant defects when underdeveloped.
10. Almonds give strength to the bones.
Lastly, almonds are rich in phosphorus, according to Organic Facts, which is great at strengthening your bones and pushing back the onset of osteoporosis.
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