1-minute exercises and stretches to ease lower back pain

Everyday life has the annoying tendency to make you bend over backward all the time. Naturally, all this effort and stress can take a toll on your back, and cause not only discomfort but significant aches and pains. Whether it's heavy physical effort or just sitting crunched over at a desk all day long, lower back pain tends to be a nearly daily concern for most people. 
Spine-health recommends paying attention to your sleep and getting full nights in to reduce aches, as well as using hot and cold remedies to soothe pain. The cold lessens inflammations and numbs the ache, while heat makes blood flow stronger and makes the brain less responsive to the pain. However, both Spine-health and the U.S. National Library of Medicine absolutely recommend physical exercise as one of the foremost remedies for discomfort. A pricey gym membership is unnecessary: All you need is to follow these basic exercises for quick relief – and the wonderful feeling of productivity that comes with exercising.
Lying Hamstring Stretch
Lie down with one foot on the ground and the other in the air. Grab your leg as high up as you physically can (ankle, calf or knee) and slowly, carefully pull the leg towards your chest. Hold it in position for 15 to 30 seconds.
Knee to Chest Stretch
This exercise requires your legs to start fully extended on the ground. Grab one knee and pull it towards you, hold it in position, then switch. Make sure you keep your body straight as you do this, as a twist in the motion could just make things worse.
Spinal Stretch
This one's a little more advanced: Lie flat, then bring up one knee and twist your hips and spine to bring the knee to the ground on one side. Use a hand to gently push your knee down if you need to, but make sure to keep your shoulders flat on the ground and your other arm and leg outstretched to maximize the effect on your spine. This video will provide a clearer view of the move.
Sphinx Hold
This may remind you of the popular yoga pose, the Sun Salutation – but the Sphinx hold is a simplified version that focuses on stretching your lower back. Simply lie down flat on your stomach with your arms folded at your side, then push up with your arms until your back is perpendicular to the ground – or as close as you can get. This exercise is also great for your abs and arms.
Hip Thrusts
For this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent upward, then push into the ground with your arms and legs while lifting your hips. Try not to slide backward. Hold the pose for a few seconds.
Cradle Hold
Like the knee to chest stretch above but with both knees this time, hold your knees up in a fetal position while lying flat on your back. This is one of the most common and efficient methods for lessening backaches. This video will give more insight into this pose and the previous two.
Standing Leg-Lifts
To kick things up a notch, try this exercise, which involves a little less lying down and a little more vigor. While holding the back of a chair and standing straight, lift one leg backward, hold it there, then switch. It's important to make sure the back of the chair is at the right height for you to support yourself with: Do not bend your back in either direction in order to reach it properly, as that will defeat the purpose.
Back Rolls
Back rolls are difficult on the abs, so don't push yourself too hard if this is your first time. Lift your knees up at a 90-degree angle, then bring them towards your chest while trying your best to keep them at that same angle. Feel free to flip your palms over and push into the ground with your hands if you feel the need.
Floor Leg-Lifts
One last exercise: Start on your hands and knees with your neck straight, then lift one leg backward and up, extending it fully as you raise your head upward. Hold the pose. Don't go too far up, as this could make things worse. Switch to the other leg. Practice doing this motion faster as you get better at it.
RemedyDaily.com does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.