Is it a stroke or a heart attack? How to tell the difference

A stroke occurs when there is a lack of blood flow and oxygen to the brain. In the United States, stroke is the fifth cause of death, killing more than 128,000 people each year, notes the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. A heart attack occurs when blood flow is blocked to the heart. Heart disease is the top cause of death in the United States, with someone having a heart attack every 40 seconds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Heart attack and stroke can have similar symptoms. Confusion, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest can indicate either a heart attack or a stroke. Knowing the symptoms to differentiate the two can help you get proper treatment faster.
Stroke Symptoms
To remember the most common stroke symptoms, learn the acronym from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association: FAST. It stands for the following:
Face drooping
Arm Weakness
Speech difficulty
Time to call 911
When having a stroke, a person will often experience numbness or drooping on one side of the face. If the person lifts both arms and one tends to droop down,or if they feel numbness on one side, this may also indicate a stroke. Slurred speech is another sign. If any of these symptoms is present, call 911.
Other symptoms can include trouble seeing from one or both eyes, a sudden severe headache, vomiting, dizziness, trouble walking or loss of coordination.
Stroke Symptoms in Women
Women may have different or more subtle stroke symptoms such as these:
• Agitation
• Hallucinations
• Confusion
• Changes in behavior
• Lightheadedness or fainting
• Difficulty breathing
• Nausea or vomiting
Heart Attack Symptoms
Common heart attack symptoms include:
• Chest pain or discomfort
• Discomfort or pain in the upper body – arm, shoulder, neck or jaw
• Shortness of breath
• Sudden sweating
• Unexplained nausea
• Lightheadedness
Heart Attack Symptoms in Women
Heart attacks in women often have more subtle symptoms. In addition to the common symptoms already listed, women may notice these symptoms:
• Dizziness
• Clammy skin
• Sudden unusual fatigue
• Abdominal issues that could be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.