Don't suffer through hemorrhoids. Stop them before they start. 9+ prevention methods you can try

Hemorrhoids are no laughing matter. They bleed, they hurt and they can make life really uncomfortable. These swollen veins in your rectum can make going to bathroom painful, too.
Once the hemorrhoids appear, you can treat them with ointments, but wouldn't you love not to get them in the first place? Here are 9 ways you can help prevent the reappearance of hemorrhoids.
1. Eat fiber. First up, Harvard Medical School reminds you to get plenty of fiber in your diet. Beans, lentils, nuts and whole grains are great sources of fiber.
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2. Avoid straining. According to Medical News Today, straining to pass a bowel movement will cause those veins to pop out, so if you can't get the stool to pass easily, try one of the other remedies to get it going.
 Kittisak Jirasittichai / Shutterstock
3. Wash. Prevention mentions an unusual one. Washing the area after a bowel movement appears to reduce the risk of hemorrhoids. The reason why isn't understood.
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4. Sit with moderation. The Mayo Clinic cautions people against sitting for long periods of time without getting up and moving. Sitting is fine, just be sure to move around.
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5. Nix reading. The Cleveland Clinic cautions against picking up that book you've been wanting to read and starting it while sitting on the toilet. The pressure from sitting on the john can cause the veins to swell. Do your business and go to the couch to read.
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6. Exercise. If you can't get your bowels to move, the Harvard Medical School recommends getting some exercise. 150 minutes a week appears to be ideal for keeping everything in good working order.
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7. Go. Medical News Today reminds you to go when you need to go. Don't hold it. The pressure will cause those vessels to swell and pop your hemorrhoids out.
 Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock
8. Rest. Prevention says that taking time to rest is just as important as exercise. Straining while lifting can be just as much of a problem as straining while on the toilet. Be sure to take the time to rest as your body needs it.
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9. Use laxatives with caution. If having a bowel movement is problematic, you may be tempted to reach for the laxative. Everyday Health says to use laxatives with caution. Those that stimulate intestinal contractions should be avoided. Instead pick ones that "work with your body."
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By incorporating these easy remedies, you may never see a hemorrhoid again.
Resources does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.