Stop scratching and get relief -- 7+ home remedies for itchy feet

Nothing can drive you as crazy as when your feet begin to itch after being stuck inside of bulky socks and shoes. Perhaps your feet are just itchy. But sometimes the problem turns out to be a fungus, causing an intense you just can't stop.
Drugstores carry all types of athlete's foot remedies and other antifungal treatments, but you can also treat foot itch with items found in your home. Check out these 7+ ways to treat foot itch.
1. Vick's. Strange as this may seem, Healthline says that Vick's Vapor Rub helps to get rid of athlete's foot. It should also calm the itch caused from this particular fungus. Apply the vapor rub to your feet every night for one month. You may want to cover your feet with cotton socks to keep the rub from getting on anything else.
2. Garlic. Garlic helps treat candida, and it's an antifungal. This makes it good for treating any fungus that may be causing your feet to itch. According to Medical News Today, crush 3 to 4 cloves of garlic and place them in a basin of warm water. Soak your feet twice a day for 30 minutes each time. Do this for 1 week.
3. Baking soda. Baking soda is great for removing smelly odors, but how does it work on itchy feet? LIVESTRONG states that making a baking soda paste will not treat any sort of fungus, so this wouldn't be your choice if athlete's foot is the source of the itch. To just help with overall itching feet, though, baking soda seems to be soothing. Mix 2 to 3 teaspoons of water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Apply the paste to the itchy part of the foot then let it dry for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water and patting the foot dry.
4. Yogurt. If a fungal infection is the source, best health recommends applying plain yogurt to the problem. Let it dry and then rinse it off.
5. Hydrogen peroxide. When hydrogen peroxide foams on a wound, you know that means bacteria and dirt is being taken care of. It can also be used to fight foot fungus, according to Healthline. Just pour it straight onto the infection.
6. Salt. Salt isn't going to kill any foot fungus, but it's soothing to itchy feet. LIVESTRONG says to combine 2 teaspoons of salt with 1 pint of warm water. Soak your feet for 5 to 10 minutes every hour until the itch is gone.
7. Mustard. Mustard makes a sandwich tasty, but treat fungus with it? Best health states that putting some dry mustard into a basin of water and soaking your feet for 30 minutes may be all you need.
8. Tea tree oil. Unless you're into essential oils, this remedy won't be found in your house. Medical News Today reports that tea tree oil is quite effective at treating athlete's foot. The solution must 25 to 50 percent tea tree oil, but don't use the essential oil undiluted on any skin. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil, and then rub it onto the feet.
9. Neem oil. Another essential oil, neem oil can be applied directly to the fungal problem without diluting it, says Healthline.
The next time itchy feet are driving you crazy, head to the kitchen and see what may be in your cupboards to help calm the itch.
Resources does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.