7+ health benefits of neem juice and how to make it

Neem is a tree that is used for all kinds of medicinal purposes. Neem leaves, barks, seeds, roots, flowers and fruits are all used. Neem oil is made from the fruit and seeds and is a crucial ingredient in lots of home remedies.
Used to treat everything from bugs to skin problems, neem juice and neem oil might make its way into your "medicine" cabinet. Check out these 7+ uses for neem.
1. Bug repellent. Not to be confused with an insecticide that kills bugs on contact, WebMD shares that neem juice makes a good bug repellent. Up Nature says to combine 1/2 tablespoon Castile soap and 1/2 teaspoon neem oil in a 16 ounce bottle. Fill it the rest of the way with water. You can spray this around the house, the patio and even the garden.
2. Mosquito repellent. For times when you or your family is outdoors, WebMD recommends using neem for a mosquito repellent. Discover Neem says to mix neem oil and coconut oil to make the mosquito repellent. Make sure that your mixture is at least 2 percent neem.
3. Stomach trouble. LIVESTRONG shares that neem juice is excellent at treating stomach ailments like diarrhea and constipation. Take 1 tablespoon of neem juice mixed with sugar three times a day.
4. Wounds. Due to its antibacterial properties, NDTV FOOD says that a paste made from ground neem leaves and water will help treat wounds.
5. Eye problems. It's also great for treating conjunctivitis and night blindness. LIVESTRONG says to apply the neem juice directly to the eyes at night.
6. Gum disease. Sacramento Dentistry points out that neem oil is good for fighting gum disease and plaque. The mouthwash has to have at least .19 percent neem oil. Annmarie combines 4 cups water, 2 teaspoons hydrogen peroxide, 15 drops thieves oil, 10 drops peppermint oil and 2 drops neem oil to make mouthwash.
7. Acne. Another use for neem juice is to treat acne. NDTV FOOD grinds the leaves and adds enough water to make a paste. Place the paste on the acne and let it dry. Apply the paste daily until the acne is gone.
8. Spermicide. If you're looking for a natural birth control, LIVESTRONG recommends trying neem. Top 10 Home Remedies says to take a tablet made from neem leaves every day for a month to get "reversible male anti-fertility." Be sure to continue taking the tablets until you want children.
As with any home remedy or herbal supplement, be sure to speak with your doctor to see if these remedies are right for you.
RemedyDaily.com does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.