How to help balance hormones with natural remedies

As the body changes, hormone levels fluctuate. Hormones are simply chemicals that are created and released by the body's endocrine system. Having too much or too little of any hormone can cause problems for everything from moods to heart health.
If you suspect you have a hormone problem, see your doctor to confirm the problem and that there is no secondary cause for it. You may not have to give in to taking a lot of medicine, though. Here are 7+ things you can do to help regulate your hormones at home.
1. Soy. According to WebMD, soy is a phytoestrogen (plant estrogen) that your body may be able to convert into usable estrogen. To get any positive effects, you must get the soy in food, not through powders or supplements. Soy milk and tofu are two great sources of soy.
2. Ginseng. If you have trouble sleeping and find yourself being irritable, Medical News Today says that ginseng might help give you that better night's sleep. Ginseng capsules can be bought in most pharmacies or health food stores.
3. Black cohosh. Although there are no studies to back up the claims of black cohosh, WebMD states that it has been a natural way to help combat hot flashes and night sweats for a long time. It may also lower blood pressure.
4. Green tea. If insulin is a problem for you, Healthline recommends drinking green tea. It is supposed to increase insulin sensitivity and lower insulin levels in your bloodstream.
5. Flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil is another phytoestrogen just like soy. WebMD shares an added benefit to flaxseed oil: lowering cholesterol. Caution is given about trying to eat the seed whole as it's hard for your body to digest.
6. Protein. Consuming enough protein, according to Healthline, influences the release of the hormone that controls hunger. Too little protein, and overeating ends up being a problem. Protein is harder for your body to break down, which means burning more calories just by digesting it. By making sure you consume high protein meals, you may help yourself lose weight.
7. Exercise. Exercise isn't good for just keeping your muscles strong and your weight under control. Women's Health reports that it also plays a role in managing estrogen levels. Too little exercise can cause estrogen to dip, affecting ovulation.
8. Stress. Stress can shut down your body's production of reproductive hormones. Although that may translate into lighter periods or none at all, Women's Health reminds you that without enough estrogen, you may also be affecting bone health.
9. Vitamin E oil. For those who are dry vaginally, WebMD recommends using vitamin E oil. Apply the oil directly to the vagina to help with lubrication. Taking vitamin E may also help reduce hot flashes.
10. Sleep. Sleep does more than just keep you alert at work. Healthline states that poor sleep affects the production of all kinds of hormones: insulin, cortisol, leptin, ghrelin and growth hormones.
By taking care of your body and eating a healthy diet, you can encourage healthy, normal hormone levels in the body. By trying these remedies, you may discover a great way to level out your hormone levels without medication.
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