Soothe a painful sunburn with these 6 home remedies

Summer is fast approaching. This means that tank tops, shorts and swimsuits will be coming out of storage. You'll be out in the sun after a long winter, and your skin won't have any protection built up yet.
The unfortunate result is usually a sunburn. Besides being bright red, sunburns are really painful. Finding ways to help heal your skin quickly is the challenge. Check out these 6 ways to successfully treat your sunburn at home.
1. Aloe vera gel. Probably the most traditional remedy is recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology - aloe vera gel. You can slather this onto the sunburn and let it soak in, or you can combine 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with 1 tablespoon honey like hello glow does to make a soothing rub.
2. Chamomile. WebMD says that chamomile can be soothing to a burn. hello glow makes a soothing spray from 4 cups boiling water, 2 peppermint tea bags, 1 chamomile tea bag and 1 green tea bag. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes. Place 1 cup of the tea in a spray bottle and add 1/4 cup aloe vera gel, 1 tablespoon coconut oil and 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Spray this directly on your sunburn.
3. Vinegar. Surprisingly, Dr. Carl Korn tells Prevention that vinegar actually soothes a sunburn. Place 1 cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar in a tub of cool water. Soak in the tub.
4. Oatmeal. Parents says to use an oatmeal bath to help moisturize and soothe the burn. Place 1 cup of finely ground oatmeal in a tub of tepid water and soak.
5. Milk. Milk forms a protective protein layer on the burn, so Parents says to soak a wash cloth or piece of cotton gauze in some cold milk. Place this on the burn.
6. Moisturize. Prevention reminds you to moisturize well. Using a lotion that contains vitamin E oil and lemon is really good for a sunburn.
Avoiding burning your skin is always the best way to go about the summer; but for those times when the inevitable happens, knowing how to heal your sunburn comes in really handy.
Resources does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.