6 things to start doing at home for sensitive teeth

Have you ever been eating ice cream and experienced shooting pain in your teeth? Or maybe it's the hot beverages and soups that make you uncomfortable. Whatever your source of discomfort is, you don't have to just "grin and bear it."
You can help reduce your teeth's sensitivity through some really simple adjustments to your oral routine. Check out these six home remedies to help with your mouth's sensitivity.
1. Avoid extreme temperatures. If you suffer from sensitive teeth, Sarasota Dentistry recommends avoiding foods that are extremely hot or extremely cold. These will just exacerbate your existing problem.
2. Avoid whitening agents. WebMD says that whitening agents also tend to make teeth sensitive. Avoiding them unless your teeth are really discolored would be best.
3. Use sensitive toothpaste. Using toothpaste for sensitive teeth is recommended by the Mayo Clinic. You may also want to use a soft bristle toothbrush.
4. Clove oil. Clove Oil is known for its ability to numb. Colgate says you can use it straight by putting a few drops of clove oil on a cotton ball and then rubbing it on your gums. If that's too strong, dilute the clove oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil first.
5. Salt water rinse. Stylecraze recommends using a saltwater rinse to help kill any bacteria that may be responsible for your tooth sensitivity. Mix two teaspoons of salt in eight ounces of warm water. Swish it in your mouth in the morning and evening.
6. Chew gum. Colgate has discovered that chewing sugar-free gum helps to reduce tooth sensitivity. The theory is that the saliva stimulation is what helps combat the sensitivity.
Thank goodness for simple, workable solutions to tooth pain! You don't have to drink your beverages or eat your ice cream and soup at room temperature any more.
RemedyDaily.com does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.