Here are 6 things you can do at home if you suffer from burning feet

Do your feet burn for seemingly no reason? A number of different conditions can cause a burning sensation in your feet, but you need to see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis. Some of the possibilities are diabetes, thyroid disease, alcohol, and athlete's foot.
Although the causes can be numerous, the home treatments for burning feet are pretty standard regardless of the underlying cause. If you're suffering from uncomfortable burning, check these 6 things you can do to help reduce the burning and help your feet feel better.
1. Work out. Since burning feet can be caused by nerve damage, the Mayo Clinic recommends trying to repair the damage by increasing the blood flow to your feet by exercising. You can do cardio workouts or something gentler like yoga or tai-chi.
2. Take a bath. To get some circulation flowing without the vigorous workout, Doctors Health Press says to use a foot bath. Fill the foot bath with warm water and add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt. Soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes several days a week.
3. Get a massage. Another thing you can do to help your circulation is to give yourself a gentle foot massage before bed, according to Doctors Health Press. You can work out any knots and soreness before drifting off to sleep.
4. Add some spice. The Mayo Clinic says that applying capsaicin cream appears to increase the circulation to people's hands and feet that are often the victims of neuropathy.
5. Get some sun. To increase your vitamin D naturally, Manna Health Products says to go outside for 20 minutes a day and soak up some sun. Sometimes the burning sensation is just the result of an imbalance of vitamins, so getting them balanced is all you need to do.
6. Apply tea tree oil. If the burning is due to athlete's foot, Medical News Today recommends using tea tree oil to rid yourself of the fungus. Bren Did makes her own solution by mixing 5 drops of almond oil with 5 drops of tea tree oil together on a cotton ball. Rub the cotton ball on the fungus and cover your feet with socks. Do this twice a day.
You may not be able to cure the cause of the burning, but you might be able to reduce the burn. If you can dampen the fire, you can have a much better day.
Resources does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.