Here are some causes of blood clots and what you can do at home to prevent them

Blood clots are the body's natural way of stopping bleeding from a wound. Without the clotting ability, you could bleed out over something as simple as a scratch. Unfortunately, your body sometimes creates blood clots in the veins when you have been injured. These clots cannot escape the skin, but are deep within the tissues of the body.
Often, these clots dissolve on their own and get absorbed, but sometimes, they will break off the walls of the veins and start flowing through the body. These can become dangerous. If you have been injured and are concerned about the possibility of developing blood clots, speak with your doctor and follow his advice. You can also be proactive at home and help your body keep from making clots by doing 7 simple things.
1. Walking. Taking a walk and taking one often, is what WebMD recommends. By getting up and getting moving, you cause the blood to flow, not allowing it collect on the vein walls. WebMD actually recommends taking five to six walks a day.
2. Virgin olive oil. Using virgin olive oil in your cooking not only replaces unhealthy fats, but it gives you a substance that everyday Health reports helps prevent blood clots from forming .
3. Less salt. No one wants to give up salt, but the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality recommends cutting back on this flavor enhancer if clots run in your family or if you are trying to prevent them. You can start by just slowly cutting back the amount until you've removed enough that you are on a "low-salt" diet.
4. Red grape juice. Who doesn't love to drink some red grape juice? everyday Health points out that the flavonoids found in deep red grapes help prevent blood clots from forming. Try drinking a glass of juice every day as a preventive measure.
5. Vitamin E. WebMD shares some interesting findings on a study on vitamin E. It appears to reduce the risk of blood clots forming when people are forced to remain inactive due to small spaces or physical inability to move. Before you jump on dosing yourself with vitamin E, you need to speak with your doctor. Too much of the vitamin can be dangerous. Trust your doctor to give you the right amount.
6. Elevation. If you are concerned about deep vein thrombosis, WebMD suggests elevating your legs. If you're already dealing with clots, this may help alleviate discomfort caused by them as well.
7. Turmeric. Many are recommending turmeric for preventing the formation of blood clots. According to Medical News Today, although turmeric shows great promise in preventing clotting in animals, none of the results have been able to be replicated in people. So far, this one is a bust.
Your health is important. Taking measures to help your body heal is the wisest thing you can do for yourself and your family.
Resources does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.