6 home remedies to soothe a minor burn

If you live for any length of time, you will eventually suffer some type of burn. Most people will get a first- or second-degree burn, affecting several layers of the skin and causing blisters and discomfort. Those who get third- or fourth-degree burns need to seek medical attention.
Most first- and second-degree burns can be taken care of at home, without the hassle or expense of a doctor's office. You simply have to know what home remedies to try. Below are 6 that you should check out.
1. Cool water. When suffering from a first- or second-degree burn, the first thing you should do, according to WebMD, is run the burn under cool water to drop the temperature of the skin. Do NOT put ice on the burn.
2. Hydrocortisone cream. Another simple home remedy recommended by WebMD that can be purchased at most stores is 0.5% hydrocortisone cream. This can be applied to the wound and covered with a gauze or bandage.
3. Aloe vera gel. Medical News Today recommends applying aloe vera gel to the wound. If you have an aloe plant, you can break off a leaf and apply the gel directly to the wound, or you can buy aloe gel in stores.
4. Honey. The U.S. National Library of Medicine states that honey of any sort helps burns heal quickly. You can put a thin layer of honey on the burn and cover it with a bandage.
5. Potato Peel. Another finding by the U.S. National Library of Medicine is that boiled potato peel dressings also help burns heal. The Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology say to boil several large potatoes and then peel the skins off. Remove any potato that adheres to the skin by soaking the peel in water. Dry the potato peels, keeping them flat. Once they are dry, apply antibiotic cream to the inner side of the potato peel and place that side against the wound. Place a gauze or bandage over the potato peels to hold them in place. If the wound is doing a lot of oozing, change the dressing daily. Otherwise, change the dressing every three to seven days.
6. Potato poultice. Making a potato poultice by peeling a raw potato and then grating the potato is something that Learning Herbs recommends. You are to apply the poultice to the burn, and the potato is supposed to draw the heat out of the burn. WebMD states that further studies need to be done to see if potatoes will help with burns or not.
The next time you or someone you love gets a burn, see what you have on hand that can help heal the wound. You might discover a new favorite way to treat your burns.
RemedyDaily.com does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.