7 home remedies for preventing and reducing stretch marks

No one likes the look of stretch marks, and both men and women can fall prey to these unsightly scars. Caused by the skin being stretched due to sudden changes in weight, WebMD says that the marks will often start red or purple and then fade to a silvery white.
Unfortunately, once they have appeared, the Mayo Clinic states that you can't really reverse them. You can, however, try some of the 7 home remedies below to prevent and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
1. Watch your weight. The first recommendation by the Mayo Clinic to help prevent stretch marks is to maintain a healthy weight. Avoid sudden weight gain or loss as these tend to cause the stretch marks to appear.
2. Hydrate the skin. If, as a woman, you find yourself pregnant, and weight gain is unavoidable, be sure to hydrate your skin often. Medical News Today says to apply moisturizers when the skin is damp for the best absorption.
3. Stay hydrated. Keeping yourself well-hydrated is another way to help prevent the onset of stretch marks according to WebMD.
4. Use sunscreen. Medical News Today recommends using sunscreen as a preventive measure as the sun dries out the skin and makes it more prone to stretch marks.
5. Eat healthy. Having a well-balanced diet will ensure that your body gets the necessary nutrients to help the skin stay pliable. This recommendation hits the list from Medical News Today.
6. Treat while red. If you should have stretch marks appear, the best time to treat them, according to WebMD, is when they are red.
7. Use vitamin A. Vitamin A in the form of a cream known as Retin A is the only cream or lotion that has been proven to help lighten the appearance of stretch marks according to Medical News Today. Keep in mind that this cannot be used if you are pregnant or nursing.
Although you may not be able to completely avoid getting a few stretch marks throughout life, you can keep from being overtaken by them. By being wise and taking care of the stretch marks when they first appear, you can lessen the appearance so that they fade to the background and are barely noticeable. You can take control of your body.
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