10 powerful ways to naturally soothe and eliminate dandruff

Dandruff isn't a serious health issue; it's those dry flakes of skin you have to brush off your shoulders, and that itchy, irritated scalp you sometimes get. But it affects some people much worse than others, and it can be an embarrassing and painful problem to have.
Dandruff may be caused by a yeast or fungus that lives on the scalp and is present in all healthy adults. However, sometimes this fungus causes an overproduction of skin cells that grow and die off too fast. This is when our scalp flakes excessively. Fortunately, there are a number of natural ways you can treat your dandruff at home; here are 10 of them.
1) Tea tree oil. As recommended by dermatologists, WebMD suggests applying a small amount of tea tree oil directly to your scalp, focusing on the scaly patches. This oil is potent, so proceed with caution. If you experience any discomfort, stop using it immediately.
2) Coconut oil. Isn't coconut oil great? Its anti-fungal properties work to eliminate dandruff and re-hydrate and soothe an itchy, dry scalp. Massage the oil into your scalp, leave it for half an hour, then wash it out thoroughly. You can use this remedy a couple of times per week.
3) Aloe vera. Research has shown that aloe can soothe the itching and scaly skin caused by dandruff, according to WebMD. You can use the gel directly from the aloe plant by cutting a leaf open, or you can buy aloe vera gel — but be sure that it doesn't have any unwanted chemicals in it.
4) Reduce fungal-promoting foods. Body and Soul advises that you should avoid foods like sugar, wine, beer, yeast spreads, grapes, and melons, as they will encourage the growth of the dandruff-causing yeast on your scalp.
5) Baking soda. Baking soda is yet another home product that has a thousand uses. Dermatologists recommend wetting your hair and then rubbing baking soda into your scalp a couple of times per week. It effectively cleans the scalp of fungus and bacteria without irritating it.
6) Try a scalp massage. Body and Soul recommends a daily scalp massage of five to ten minutes. Press down with the pads of your fingers and move in small circles. Don't just move your fingers over the skin; instead, press down firmly enough so that you are moving the skin and thin layer muscle covering the skull. This will promote good circulation, and it feels wonderful, so why not?
7) Olive oil. Although olive oil doesn't cure dandruff like these other home remedies, it is a good way to temporarily soothe the scalp and remove dandruff flakes. Apply the olive oil to the scaly patches, and then brush your hair after an hour or so. This is only a temporary fix, and you don't want to do it too often or you'll end up with oily hair.
8) Lower your stress. This is easier said than done, but stress is known to cause dandruff flare-ups, as are depression and anxiety. WebMD recommends trying meditation and exercise, or even a supplement such as St John's Wort. Consult your doctor before taking a supplement for this issue, though, as they can interfere with other drugs and have potential side effects.
9) Vinegar. According to the Huffington Post, rinsing the scalp with a diluted mixture of white or apple cider vinegar and water can effectively change the pH of the skin and restore balance to the flora causing dandruff.
10) Try a supplement. There are a number of ways this can work, according to WebMD. Try boosting the good bacteria in your digestive system with a probiotic containing lactobacillus or bifidobacterium. These will reduce the yeast in your body and reduce the inflammation related to yeast on your skin. You can also try fish-oil capsules, as omega-3 fatty acids are thought to lower inflammation. B6, folate, B12, and biotin may also be useful, and you can take a B-complex supplement if you don't get enough B vitamins in your diet. Lastly, WebMD recommends trying zinc and selenium supplements. These minerals are both found in many popular dandruff shampoos, and they may help to reduce dandruff.
Dandruff is annoying, unsightly, and sometimes quite painful if you scratch and irritate the skin. You can buy dandruff shampoo and other chemical-based products, but if you find that they irritate your skin or make your hair dry, try these home remedies. They're inexpensive and easy, so why not give them a go? Let us know in the comments if they've worked for you.
RemedyDaily.com does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.