Shin splints are incredibly painful. According to WebMD, shin splints can have a number of causes, including irritated and swollen muscles from overuse, stress fractures in the lower leg, flat feet, or weakness in muscles of the hips or core.
Shin splints are typically associated with runners. This is because runners sometimes experience shin splints after intensifying their workouts or changing the surface upon which they run. But shin splints are also common among people whose leg muscles have to overwork due to flat feet or weak muscles elsewhere. If you have ever had a shin splint and want to know how to treat the pain next time, continue reading to learn 8 home remedies for shin splints.
1. Lump of ice. Instead of using an ice pack or pack of frozen peas to decrease swelling and dull pain, Best Health Magazine Canada recommends freezing water in a foam cup, peeling away part of the cup, and then press the solid ice directly to the shin for up to 8 minutes. As the ice melts, continue peeling away the cup.
2. Flex. Warning: This one may hurt to start, but after a few moments the pain should subside completely. Best Health Magazine Canada recommends flexing the foot of the painful leg up and down, in and out, and in circles 10 times each while keeping the leg completely still.
3. Tippy toes. Another stretch recommended by Best Health Magazine Canada is to stand on your toes while holding on to the back of a chair. Stay on your toes for 5 minutes and then come down slowly. Repeat the exercise ten times. Relax and take a deep breath. Do 2 more sets of 10.
4. Walk on your heels. Stretch the other parts of the shin that your tippy toes don' t get to by walking on your heels for 30 seconds and then walking regularly for 30 seconds. Repeat 4 times, as suggested by Best Health Magazine Canada.
5. Foam roll. Runner's World relies on the foam roll for treating shin splints. The best method is to run your shins and calves over the foam roller for several minutes. Do this several times a day to release the tough material wrapped around the muscles.
6. Cherry juice. Style Craze recommends drinking tart cherry juice because it contains anti-inflammatory antioxidants.
7. Bengay. Style Craze recommends applying a natural or herbal version of Bengay cream or gel all over the sore area for sigh-inducing pain relief.
8. Ginger root. Steeping an inch of fresh ginger root in 4 cups warm (not boiling) water, and then wrapping a towel dipped in the ginger water around the shin can relieve pain from shin splints. Style Craze recommends resting with the towel around the sore muscle for 10 minutes.
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