How to counter the effects of high cholesterol foods

We've all heard high cholesterol is bad for your health. It clogs arteries and leads to heart disease. But what causes high cholesterol? Heart UK explains eating too much saturated fat increases cholesterol levels. This includes foods with large amounts of butter, margarine, lard, or ghee, as well as fatty meats (such as sausages and steaks), full-fat dairy products, and coconut and palm oils.
It's okay to enjoy these foods in moderation. After all, fat makes food taste better. (Psychology Today explains the science behind this phenomenon that, although delicious, can be detrimental to the waistband.)
But if you gorge on pizza, savor a T-bone, or delight in Robiola, Sainte-Maure, and other varieties of full-fat cheese, be sure to follow these steps as explained by Style Craze, to counter the negative effects of eating high cholesterol foods.
1. Walk. Vigorous exercise after eating high cholesterol foods can be painful. However, it is important to move in order to aid digestion and burn excess calories. The best thing you can do is go for a long walk.
2. Lukewarm water. Aid the removal of oily foods by drinking 1- 2 glasses lukewarm water. Lukewarm water is also thought to prevent damage to the liver, stomach, and intestines.
3. Stay awake. Going to sleep immediately after eating can have major consequences. Should you go to bed right away, the calories will not spent, but rather stored in the body as fat. Always stay awake for 2- 3 hours after finishing dinner to prevent the accumulation of fat.
4. Avoid cold foods. The liver, stomach, and intestines can be adversely effected by the consumption of cold foods immediately after a greasy meal. Instead of ice cream for dessert, considering finishing with fresh fruit.
5. Eat honey. Ayurvedic medicine calls for a tablespoon of honey to counter the effects of high cholesterol foods.
Have you tried using these home remedies after eating high cholesterol foods? Tell us what they did for YOU when you SHARE this article on social media! does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.