10 most important vitamins for women, and how to make sure you are getting enough

Women have different nutritional needs than do men.
Here are the 10 most important vitamins and minerals for women and the foods one should eat to make you the healthiest possible you.
1. Vitamin A (Carrots, Cantaloupe)
Beta-carotene foods are rich in vitamin A, known to boost the immune system, improve vision, and reduce the risk of heart disease, says Women's Health Magazine.
2. B Vitamins (Whole grain bread, Asparagus, Beans)
Did you know there are 8 B vitamins? Women's Health Magazine says these miracle workers help maintain metabolism, muscle tone, and a sharp mind. Young women should be particularly careful to consume enough B9 folic acid, which keeps red blood cells healthy and protects against cancer and birth defects.
3. Vitamin C (Citrus fruit, Red Pepper, Broccoli)
Vitamin C is important in the fight against heart disease, as well as prenatal issues and eye disease. According to Women's Health Magazine, it has the added benefit of preventing wrinkles.
4. Vitamin D (Sunlight, Salmon, Milk, Orange juice)
Vitamin D is mainly absorbed by the body through sunlight, which is why many health professionals recommend a supplement to meet the recommended daily dosage. Vitamin D significantly reduces a woman's risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, as well as diabetes, says Women's Health Magazine.
5. Vitamin E (Hazelnuts, Peanut butter, Safflower oil)According to WebMD, vitamin E is an important antioxidant that keeps cells healthy and slows signs of aging.
6. Vitamin K (Cauliflower, Kale, Beef)
Healthline explains the bacteria in the intestines produces 75% of vitamin K, necessary for blood coagulation. Eating vitamin K-rich foods, as well as foods that promote a healthy gut, like probiotics, are good ways of ensuring you are getting enough vitamin K on a daily basis.
7. Calcium (Milk, yogurt, cheese)
Women start losing bone density in their twenties, which is why bone-strengthening calcium is so important for women, reports Women's Health Magazine. Calcium is also key to strong, healthy teeth and a fortified nervous system. While calcium is found in dairy products, it is often recommended women take a daily supplement.
8. Iron (Liver, Oysters, Chickpeas, Pumpkin Seeds, Soybeans)
A person who lacks sufficient amounts of iron loses red blood cells and becomes anemic. Iron is essential for a strong immune system and is especially important for women with heavier periods, reports Women's Health Magazine. It is important to get iron from both animal and plant sources, explains New York Times bestselling author Frances Largeman-Roth, RD, which is why vegetarian women should discuss a supplement with their doctors.
9. Biotin (Egg yolk, Nuts, Soybeans, Cauliflower, Mushrooms)
Biotin has been lauded in the media as a miracle worker for hair and nail growth. While the nutrient is good for these things, Healthline says it is most important as a support system for embryonic growth, as well as healthy skin, eyes, liver, and nervous system.
10. Folate (Spinach, Asparagus, Citrus Fruit, Strawberries, Lentils, Liver)
Folate is responsible for building DNA and RNA, which build cells and prevent cancer-causing cell mutations. According to WebMD, folate is essential for a healthy brain and spinal cord, as well as the production of red blood cells. Pregnant women should be especially careful to get enough folate because this nutrient prevents birth defects like spina bifida.
Do you think you are getting enough vitamins and minerals? If not, try this nutrient-rich menu:
Breakfast: Omelet with red pepper and asparagus. Side of strawberries. Coffee with milk and 8-ounce glass of orange juice
Lunch: Kale salad with mushrooms, crumbled cheese, and sunflower seeds
Snack: Carrots with hummus and mixed nuts
Dinner: Salmon with chickpeas and greens. Recipe from Bon Appétit. Cheese course or cantaloupe and other fruits for dessert. 
Be sure to consult your physician. Any home remedies or major changes to your diet should be done under the guidance of a medical professional. 
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RemedyDaily.com does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.