Bad habits you should break to improve your digestion

Digestion is important for a healthy body, it's how our body turns that turkey sandwich we had for lunch into substances that can be used by our body. Unfortunately, many of us have unhealthy habits that lead to poor digestion -- and we don't even know it! Symptoms of poor digestion are bloating, diarrhea, gas,stomach pain, and stomach cramps according to WebMD
Here are some things you should avoid: 
1. Eating too quickly -
Many people eat much too quickly and don't chew their food enough -- this can lead to poor digestion. According to WebMD, chewing makes food small enough so the gastric juices in your stomach can break it down. The more you chew, the easier the food is to break down. 
2. Drinking cold drinks while eating -
Nutritionist Susan E. Brown, PhD told Livestrong that drinking ice water slows down the digestive process because the water must be warmed before digestion can begin. Brown also says that cold liquids pass through the stomach more quickly, so that less of it remains to help with digestion. Try a warm drink at dinner, instead.
3. Mixing proteins and starches -
According to the Physician Jeremey Klaslow, MD, combining proteins (fish, eggs, meat) with starches (potatoes, cereals, bread, sweets) can greatly impede the digestion process. Put simply, the starches and proteins require two very different environments in the stomach to digest properly, but your body can only do one at a time -- meaning half of your meal isn't digested optimally. It's hard to avoid combining some starches and proteins... but try to have your meals be mostly one or the other. 
4. Eating late - 
Many people believe eating food late at night can lead to weight loss, but those tests have been mostly inconclusive.  There is a reason to avoid late-night snacks, however: WebMD claims that eating late may cause stomach acids to flow into the esophagus, causing heartburn and indigestion. 
5. Not eating enough Fiber - 
Most Americans don't get enough fiber, but it's an important part of the digestive process. Aside from keeping you regular, fiber also helps you feel full faster and for longer periods of time, according to WebMD - so it'll help keep you from snacking later. Women under 50 should have 25g per day while men under 50 should have 38g.
6. Not drinking enough water while eating -
It's an old myth that drinking too much water during meals can dilute stomach acids and slow digestion. According to MayoClinic, the opposite is actually true -- fluids help break down food and make them easier to digest. Don't be afraid to stay hydrated during meals!
Have you cut back on any of these bad habits? Let us know, and make sure to share this list with your friends! does not give medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.